ROPOS featured on CBC Land and Sea

ROPOS Featured on CBC Land and Sea

Science of the Sea - Revealing mysteries through the science of the sea

You can watch Science of the Sea - Revealing mysteries through the science of the sea (Season 17 Episode 20) on the Land and Sea CBC website.

ROPOS helps protect sensitive benthic areas

ROPOS helps protect sensitive benthic areas

ROPOS Cruise leads to protection of 9000 square km² of vulnerable cold water coral habitat

In June 2014, CSSF was part of a collaborative research cruise between Dalhousie University, NOAA, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), to explore deep sea corals in the Gulf of Maine onboard the RV Bigelow. This cruise explored several offshore canyons and discovered significant concentrations of breath-taking centuries-old cold water corals. Over the course of 12 days, ROPOS conducted 16 dives, visited 7 dive sites, and accumulated 168 hours of dive time providing the research team with 68 video transects, 236 physical samples, 7.5 terabyte of HD video, and over 1000 digital stills.

Read more: ROPOS helps protect sensitive benthic areas

Gulf of Maine Expedition Update

Gulf of Maine Expedition Update

Exploration of the Gulf of Maine with the goal of discovering new species and habitats in need of protection

From June 8th to 22nd, 2017, ROPOS was mobilized onboard the NOAA Ship Henry. B. Bigelow for an international expedition to explore the Gulf of Maine.

Scientists, researchers, students and technicians from Dalhousie University and Memorial University lead the Canadian leg of the expedition, funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Together with researchers from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), they explored the unique Gulf of Maine ecosystems with the goal of discovering new species and habitats in need of protection.

Read more: Gulf of Maine Expedition Update

Expedition Update - Visions' 15

VISIONS' 15 Expedition

First maintenance expedition of the Regional Scale Nodes cabled ocean observatory

For 5 weeks, we were out at sea on-board the R/V Thomas G. Thompson with the University of Washington (UW) for the VISIONS '15 expedition which ran from the 4th of July to August 7th, 2015. For our fourth year with the project, our role shifted from the installation to the maintenance of the the secondary infrastructure of the OOI Regional Scale Nodes cabled ocean observatory with the UW Ocean Observatory Initiative (OOI) team of oceanographers and engineers. On all fronts, this expedition was a resounding success and marked the first operational and maintenance expedition of the RSN's project, now called the Cabled Array. As always, CSSF and its staff enjoyed the many challenges brought forward by this ambitious project.

Read more: Expedition Update - Visions' 15